Tweed Valley Justices’ Association Inc.

Was formed in January 1998 and has continued to grow and develop over the years. 

Located on the far north coast of New South Wales bordering Queensland in the beautiful town of Tweed Heads which is part of the Gold Coast and we aim to continue to encourage membership from all local JPs’

The Justice & Attorney-General amended the rules for all JPs in 2003 stating that all current JPs were required to re-apply and become appointed under the new regulations. This means that all JPs now must have a registration number beginning with 100,000 and any document that is witnessed by a JP must have the registration number recorded with the signature.

Regulations also included that JPs operate under a new Code of Conduct which establishes acceptable standards of conduct for JPs appointed in NSW under the Justices of the Peace Act 2002.

You must also sit an online exam every 5 years to re-apply for registration.

There are 16 points covered by the Code of Conduct which must be strictly adhered to or face the consequences of losing your appointment.  

There is also a Handbook which was released in 2022  and this document is the only one that should be used for reference by JPs throughout the State of NSW.

What We Do:

JP Services:  Witnessing Statutory Declarations, Affidavits & Certifying Documents at Shopping Centres in Tweed Heads South, Tweed Heads & Murwillumbah.

Our General Meetings are monthly and held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at Tweed South Sports Club in the Rainforest Room commencing 6pm.

We are available to sign documents at the following times and places.

South Tweed Sports Club
4 Minjungbal Drive
Tweed Heads South,  NSW,  2486

Tweed Mall Shopping Centre (near Target)
Wharf Street, Tweed Heads NSW, 2485

TUESDAY   Hours: 10.30am to 1.30pm

FRIDAY       Hours 10.30 to 1.30pm

Tweed City Shopping Centre – (near the Centre Information Desk just up from the Harris Scarf store.)

54 Minjungbal Drive, Tweed Heads South NSW 2486

Monday – Hours  10.30am to 1.30pm 

Thursday – Hours 10.30am to 1.30 pm

Thursday Nights 5pm to 6.30pm 

 Saturday Morning 9.00am to 11.00 am 

Murwillumbah – Sunnyside Mall 

Thursday 10.30am to 12.30pm

  • to find a JP in your local area if you are outside the above places –

If you are interested in joining our Association or wish to become a Member and learning more about the role of a Justice of the Peace please email our membership officer

For just $20 a year  from July 1st’2023  (and a once-off  Joining fee of $25) you will have all you need to continue in your capacity as a Justice of the Peace in New South Wales. Including a handbook and a name badge. Contact for more information.


GENERAL MEETINGS are held the 3rd Wednesday of each month at Tweed South Sports Club -5.30pm


  • Online Form application is now required to become a JP in NSW and you need to sit an online exam.
  • Online Form  application now required for Seniors Card.