We do not operate our community desks on Public Holidays.

Please note the following documents that we cannot sign.

Please note we cannot sign Queensland Land Title Documents or mortgage documents related to a Queensland property.

An Enduring Power of Attorney or confirm that photos are a true likeness.

A Queensland JP can sign all of these documents and are available at The Pines Shopping Centre, Elanora – 6 days a week.

Overseas documents need to be signed by a Notary Public

Proof of Life Documents for overseas countries are dealt with at Centrelink.

Tweed City Shopping Centre

We do not operate our community desks on Public holidays.

We are near the Information Desk

54 Minjungbal Dr, Tweed Heads South NSW 2486

Monday 10.30am -1.30pm

Thursday 10.30am – 1.30pm

Thursday Evenings 5pm – 6.30pm

Saturday Morning – 9-11am

Tweed Mall Shopping Centre

Just across from the Target Store

Wharf Street, Tweed Heads

Tuesday 10.30am to 1.30pm

Friday 10.30am to 1.30pm

Sunnyside Mall – Murwillumbah

Thursday – 10.30am to 12.30pm


We are a Justice of the Peace Association whose focus is on providing high-quality voluntary service to the general public mainly in the North Eastern corner of  New South Wales.  All our Members are volunteers.

Tweed Valley Justices’ Association Inc., was formed in January 1998 and has continued to grow and develop over the years with community desks at Tweed City and Tweed Mall Shopping Centres . Our membership may volunteer their time on a roster basis to work at the community desks, certifying documents, signing statutory declarations and any other forms within the scope of our NSW Justice of the Peace powers. They also rely on us to keep them up to date on the latest legislation changes. We also support members in the requirement to sit an online test prior to their re-appointment every 5years with training. 

We aim to continue to encourage membership from all local JPs. If you are interested in joining our Association and wish to become a member and learning more about the role of a Justice of the Peace please fill out the form on the Forms page.  

For just  $20 a year from July 1st each year  (and a once-off joining fee of $25) you will have all you need to continue in your capacity as a Justice of the Peace in New South Wales including name badge.

Our monthly meetings will be  held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at South Tweed Sports Club commencing at 5.30pm.

As part of our community service we have donated funds to many local charities that do not receive government assistance and our most recent donation was a scholarship for a year 10 student to continue on to Year 12 at Tweed River High and You Have A Friend purchasing all weather bedrolls for the homeless.

Other donations have been made to Volunteer Marine Rescue NSW,  Wedgetail Retreat, You Have a Friend  amongst others over 25 years. 


Tweed City Shopping Centre

Tweed Mall Shopping Centre

Sunnyside Mall Murwillumbah

Contact Us